Do you ever find yourself gazing at the night sky? You no longer have to wait until the sun goes down to explore the stars hanging over Queen City.
A new digital planetarium has opened at Discovery Place Nature. According to its website, the museum is “housed in the Museum’s original Charlotte A. Kelly Planetarium (formerly the Nature Dome featuring Grandpa Tree); the dome has been retrofitted with a new Digitarium® Zeta planetarium system, with bench and floor seating around the dome.”
Discovery Place Nature is located at 1658 Sterling Road, near Freedom Park. This is a fantastic development since the facility hasn’t housed a planetarium since the 1980s.
Shows will be a variety of multimedia and seasonal star shows. The multimedia shows are full-dome video experiences that explore astronomy-related topics. Seasonal star shows are guided tours of Charlotte’s sky in winter, spring, summer or fall. Shows take place Tuesdays through Fridays at 1pm and 3pm, on Saturdays at 10am, 1pm, and and 3:30pm, and Sundays at 12:30pm, 1:30pm, and 3:30pm.
Image: Discovery Place Nature Website