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Pop Up at the NoDa Eclectic PopUp Marketplace

Pop Up at the NoDa Eclectic PopUp Marketplace
September 4, 2014 Cassee Cunningham

noda eclectic popup marketplaceOne of the many reasons I love NoDa is the desire to create and include.  I learned of the new Popup Marketplace from my friend and muse (and star of my Plaza Midwood video) – the lovely Frankie Q. Bee.  As I was ordering my cassochino (self titled coffee drink) from Smelly Cat, Barista Frankie told me about this cool new market. Anyone can bring what they have to sell or barter. This market pops up on Saturdays and is located in the parking lot behind Smelly Cat Coffee House. Folks bring food, art, crafts, music and great attitudes to this grass roots market. It’s just catching on, and I have a feeling it’s gonna be big.

The great part is everyone can be a vendor. It’s free, for now, and you can bring whatever quantity that you have. Say you had a few more tomatoes or beans from your personal garden than you can eat.  Bring your excess to the market and share a table with someone or barter for something else you need or want.

Weather permitting the market is open every Saturday.  So grab a couple of the scarves you’ve knitted or some cukes from your garden and have a great time at the NoDa Eclectic Popup Marketplace.

For information, the market place has it’s own Facebook page, and for any questions you can call Frankie at (704)287-6348.

NoDa is a wonderful community minded place.  Please check out our Savvy listings for amazing homes in the NoDa neighborhood.